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Natasha Berkel

6 Simple Self-Care Strategies for Summer

Summer is in full swing and that means it’s time to kick back and enjoy the season of cookouts, pool parties, barbecues, and vacations.

With our daily hustle and bustle, it’s easy to let our calendars fill up before we’ve had a chance to recharge our batteries or take time for ourselves. Since it’s the season to slow down and unwind, we’ve created this handy guide for you to keep YOU in mind this summer so you don’t get lost in the shuffle:soaks.png

1. Take a Vacation (Perhaps in Your Own City!): Taking in beautiful sights and sounds is good for the soul. Book a vacation in a place that’s particularly fabulous in the summertime, or even better (and cheaper!), make plans to explore your own town! Try checking out local landmarks, activities, and events and be an explorer in your own backyard! Where you go isn’t as important as making sure that you’re taking time to nourish your soul, whatever that looks like for you.

2. Get Outside: Don’t stay cooped up indoors; the weather’s beautiful! There is far more sunshine this time of year, so don’t be afraid to soak it in. Sun exposure and fresh air are the ultimate mood boosters. Pick an outdoor activity like swimming, reading a good book, gardening, hiking, etc., and make some time to explore the great outdoors!

3. Be Near the Water: There’s a reason that most of those relaxation sound machines always have some form of sound that involves crashing waves or a babbling brook. Nothing soothes the soul quite like the sound of moving water or the light floating sensation of being in the water. Pay a visit to your local beach, stream, lake, or swimming pool and enjoy the ultimate summer activity.

4. Unplug and Get Off the Grid: Smartphones, social media, the internet, etc. can all be great ways to connect (After all, it brought you here!), but sometimes we could all use a break, as it can become too easy to be glued to our screens. Before we know it, we’re caught up in a sea of sad headlines, toxic comment threads, and spending so much time with our noses buried in our newsfeeds that we are missing out on everything around us. This summer, try getting off the grid. This could be as simple as turning your phone on airplane mode for a day to keep your focus 100% on summer activities. You’ll be amazed at how freeing it is to just unplug and be in the moment!

5. Take a Luxurious Bath: There’s no need to book an appointment across town and pay top-dollar for a spa day. Run yourself a hot bath, grab your favorite beverage or book, maybe light some candles, and sink into some serious relaxation! A warm bath calms and relaxes your body and mind and is the perfect way to unwind. Take your tub to the next level with our JE Magnesium Dead Sea Salt Soak and turn your bathroom into a salt oasis! Our Salt Soak will help relax tired muscles, soothe muscle aches, and help you sleep better. Talk about the perfect way to find your Zen!


6. Practice Gratitude: We don’t want to sound all technical here, but numerous studies have shown that people who engage in regular gratitude practice are just happier overall. Even more interesting, that happiness had absolutely NOTHING to do with the person’s individual circumstances. Whether their lives were happy and stress-free, or they were struggling with challenges like poverty, illness, grief, etc., they all had one thing in common: They were grateful. When’s the last time you sat down and made a list of the things you’re grateful for? Try keeping a gratitude journal and either start or end your day by jotting down some things that you are thankful for. Another great way to practice gratitude is with a Blessings Jar, which is just an empty cup or jar where you, family, and friends write down your blessings or items of gratitude on little strips of paper, fold them up, and put them in the jar. Later on, read through your blessings! Doesn’t that just give you the warm and fuzzies just thinking about? There’s always something to be grateful for in each day. Reduce stress and ramp up your happiness by saying “Thank you” for all that you have!

This list is by no means exhaustive. There are plenty of ways to rest and recharge this summer, but these are some of our favorites. Remember, self-care isn’t selfish! You can’t pour from an empty cup, so make sure you’re taking time for you once in a while.

How will you take time for yourself this summer?

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